Thursday, November 25, 2010

[JessFinds] A Guest Posting by K ...

Guest Posting: My dear friend K introduced me to my husband and is one of the most life-embracing, soulful, funny, smart sexy women I know.

Tacksam (is Swedish for grateful)

It started last year with a scrap of paper in my pocket and a lonely night in Eugene. I began jotting down the little, everyday things that make me feel grateful. Today is Thanksgiving Eve ... a perfect time to share a few of these notes with all of my friends. If you're interested, here are 10 things I'm grateful for in 2010:

1. The way Eva sounds in the middle of the night when she says, voice as gravelly as a 90-year-old smoker, "Mama? Snuggle me!"
2. The ability to turn strangers into friends. Also: Friends who don't turn into strangers.
3. Things that grow in my garden even though I never planted them there.
4. That Eva still believes in the tooth fairy, Santa, the garden fairies, the garden gnomes, the Easter Bunny, the "Halloween Fairy" (good one ... replaces candy with a gift!) and in all things magical.
5. That Eva also still believes her mother is the most beautiful woman in the world.
6. Shiny red rainboots that not only keep my feet dry but also make me want to go go-go dancing.
7. Baked potatoes. Hot. Drenched in Bragg's Liquid Aminos and Nancy's sour cream.
8. Taking dog walks in the rain, with red boots on and Ipod pumping old Social D. tunes.
9. The ability to laugh -- deep, long belly laughs -- with my friends. And, also, the ability to laugh at myself. Often.
10. The fact that, when I am forced by circumstance (working in Washington County) to stop at Starbucks for a pick-me-up, I do not order a no-fat, no-whip, no-fun drink. Instead, I order a big tall cup of salted caramel hot chocolate and I don't care if it adds a whole millimeter to my hips.

Happy Thanksgiving loved ones ... hope it's a great one.

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