Friday, June 18, 2010

[JessFinds] Carnival Planning Countdown

So much going on, my head is spinning!

Today, I will attempt to channel my inner traveling carnie (nomads, small hands, smell of cabbage) and attempt to build a bunch of carnival games that will help transform my carport in to a Midway next weekend.

No small task. One friend has volunteered her skills with chicken wire and paper mache'. This makes me giggle.

We have a ball/basket toss game
We have a Bean Bag toss 
We have a Strong Man / Trapeeze Lady "Photo Op"
We have a Temp. Tattoo Station
We have a Treasure Hunt (like last year only without the Atocha coin replica pieces of eight that Alan spent a fortune on... I went with cheap shiny plastic coins...)

I am thinking of some sort of fishing game? A ring toss?

We are overwhelmed with stuff right now. School is wrapping up today. I have been crazy busy at work but am forcing myself to keep normal hours for the remainder of my contract (all done on June 30!). I am planning this party for god knows how many children - we already have a good group though. I am trying to control the weather, not so successful with that FYI. And then there is the pending vacation w/o any housing solutions, the different flights, the extended trip, the summer camps and then OMG it is back to school. Spinning those plates...

It is all good stuff. Just too much of it. I love planning but my lists are starting to cross-pollinate.

We received an invite to a friend's home for a 4th of July party and I am so glad. I could not bear the thought of trying to organize anything!

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