Tuesday, December 9, 2008

[JessFinds] RIP Johnny

Ray-Ray's dad died last week. I have not been able to post about it because it makes me blubber when I think about it. Good friend, right?

Rachel is one of the most amazing, hilarious, beautiful, kind, strong, sarcastic, sexy and bent (crazy) people I know. And I have known her since I was 8. She is the type of person who laughs until she pees her pants and has tears running down her face. When she gets excited about something, she literally bounces and glows. She is also the most devoted person to the idea of family I have ever known. She is glue. And not the schoolhouse kind. She is gorilla glue. John had a difficult life, the kind of life that you would not wish upon anyone. His rough patches were pretty big. But he was a very sweet, gentle man who adored his daughter. And she loved him. Above and beyond daughterly duty - she accepted her dad for exactly who he was. He has left a cautious tale along with a hilarious legacy for Rachel to share with her daughter.

My heart is breaking for Rachel. I can't believe my babydoll's dad passed away and I can not be there to make appalling efforts to fix it. Or make inappropriate jokes. Or just be there, stupidly feeling that I ought to be doing something. Marriages, births - all life stuff that we are supposed to do together. I did not really ever think about what it would be like if we lost a parent. This is where the 3000 miles apart thing starts to eat away at me.

So, this Saturday when her family and friends gather to celebrate Johnny's life - I will be raising a toast to him in a big way. Thanking him for giving me Ray-Ray. My life is a wealthier one for knowing her.

Cheers babydoll! I love you!

And now I will go puddle up again.

If anyone wishes to make a tax-deductible donation in honor of Johnny's memory, a fund has been established at the Multnomah County Animal Shelter to provide veterinary medical care for animals in need of surgery or special care and attention. Please call (503) 988-7387 or visit www.multco.pets.org, select “donate” for Dolly's Fund/Animal Care Fund.

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