Sunday, June 22, 2008

[JessFinds] What haven't we been up to?

We spent two days visiting Ashley & Family. It was so much fun - the girls had a great time. It is only an hour away, so there is really no excuse to let so much time slip by. On our arrival day we took the kids to the pool at the college rec center. Miss Crab actually got in to the big pool and held on to the edge while kicking her legs (with encouragement from Ashley). Very impressive. The next day we went to a great farm, had a hay ride, admired goats (ok, I admired the goats ... there were BABY goats!) and generally had a nice day.

Came back to the homestead to find that Preacher moved the playset, framed it out with 4x4's and filled the frame with sand. It is a huge sandbox. We don't have many neighborhood cats, so sand makes sense. Plus the kids now have a safe "cushion" beneath the play area. Will be great for Miss Crab's party next weekend.

On Saturday I took Miss Crab to see The Backyardigans Live! She was acting very surly and quiet all morning. She was just not herself. Then, in the theater, I notice that she is burning up. Seriously feverish. I am always prepared because my purse is the only realm of my life that could live up to Martha Stewart organization standards -- so I had some children's Tylenol. That helped. She perked up a bit and started to enjoy the show. I let her have some cotton candy. The show was cute.

Afterwards, we went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We got out of Haley's minivan and had not walked 2 steps towards the door in the parking garage when Miss Crab hurled -- cotton candy pink everywhere! She was so calm, so I stayed calm and told her to scoot her feet back, lean forward and let it fly: "Just keep it off your crocks, honey!" We are so high class.

So Crab is sick. Ok. What does any Mother of the Year do? Take her to the Cheesecake Factory bathroom, clean her up and ask her "are you up for lunch or do you want to go home?" She said "I could eat bread" to which I replied "cool - let's go find a seat." Thank you... Thank you.

When we came home, I realized I had 2 hours to pick up the house before visitors descended upon our home. We have a group of folks that regularly visit us from our former parish and they come for Saturday service once in a while. Whoops. So, I got over it. I mean, I was gone for 2 days and had a sick kid. I can only do so much.

My dream is so simple: it is to have a home that is functional. One that is not necessarily museum quality or pristine - but well loved, lived in and ready to entertain with minimal effort. That is what I want.

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