Monday, June 23, 2008

(MarieFinds) Squirrels Talk

So, I thought I would follow up on Jess' list from a while back... with ways the Super Squirrel communicates:

Shoes - Sounds like "ish, ish" coupled with pointing and frustration that I am not putting on / taking off / handing them to her for her to play with. I blame her Auntie Lola for this fixation.
Ball - sounds like "ba"
Dog - Sounds like "da". Not to be confused with da-da. usually accompanied by the sign.
Cat - possibly "ta"? still questionable.
Want - or some variation there of, sounds like "NAH! NAH!", usually in a high pitched whine, accompanied with lots of pointing.
Milk - usually "ba-ba", sometimes "mul, mul"
Mama - sounds like mama!
Daddy - Sounds like "da-da". Sometimes closer to daddy.

water / milk
sweater / coat


JessFinds said...

Good to see you back! Hey, Gonzo is talking up a storm but she still has no hair and a wacky configuration of teeth. She has become a mimic and will say back almost every word unless it is just way too much effort (I tried "discombobulated" and got "pop" back). And as for her signing? She still has 2. More and Food. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hey... yeah. I have knock off these 60 hour work weeks. Geez. Turns out Squirrel has been saying shoe for weeks... I just didn't pick up on it until Friday night. "ish, ish!" very funny.