Tuesday, March 11, 2008

(MarieFinds) Baby Passports are funny

So the Lawyer and I are headed to Cozumel in a few weeks with a bunch of friends, and we are taking the Squirrel. This means we had to get a passport for her. We waited too long. We bought our tickets for this trip last fall. And waited so long to get her passport that we had to pay the extra $100 to get it expidited. D'oh!

And by the time we did get her passport... her face is covered in bruises for the picture. She has been todding around and taking lots of headers into walls, windows, drawers, coffee tables, sidewalks, etc. So she has had two permanent bruises (and a scar!) on her forehead. They are all highly visible in her washed out paspport pictures. heh.

I think border security might have concerns about those...

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