Tuesday, February 19, 2008

(Jess Finds) a better blog

You may have noticed a few changes around here. I liked the color of the previous blog but I started to notice that it hurt my eyes to look at for very long. So we are going with Designer White.... (hee) with purple. Why not.

Logo created. Fancy. 

It is 36 degrees and super sunny. I love winter days like this. When you wake up with sun beams it makes you think "hey, I could go outside and do something!" Then you walk outside and take a deep breath and your lungs freeze. But that is ok. It is false advertising but it is sure purty.

I have about 200 hours of website content to write for my employer. That is not an exaggeration. That is a real estimate. And I have about 200 lbs of laundry to do. Also a real estimate. 

I am also starting to get my ducks in a row (oh my god, I sound just like my mom) for this upcoming vacation. Travel with kids takes so much planning and so much flexibility at the same time. I have everything from Wikki Stix to iSpy bags for Miss Crab on the airplane. I am still trying to figure out what to do with Baby Gonzo on a plane. I imagine it will involve Cheerios 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am taking Super Squirrel to Mexico in May. A little distraught at that thoughts... past flights have involved much nursing. We are done with breast feeding, so I will have to find new and improved ways to calm a jittery baby...