Sunday, August 24, 2008

[JessFinds] Schoolhouse Rock

It is after 11pm and I am still up, squirreling away time on the computer when I should probably be trying to get some sleep!

Miss Crab starts her first day of 4-year old preschool tomorrow. She has a new classroom, new teachers and a whole new slew of students. This year is SERIOUS. She will have homework (!!) and tests (!!!) and will be learning in a bilingual classroom - she will be taught in Portuguese as well as English. In fun news: there is a super cute bunny named Cocoa who usually roams "free" throughout her classroom. I hope they are fastidious about the Cocoa Pebbles (hee). Miss Crab seems pretty excited about the switch. Apparently it is a big deal to prepare children for Kindergarten. I remember when preschool was basically eating too many cookies and hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Those days are long gone.

Update: And here is my little nutter this morning! No, she will not be actually carrying that HUGE backpack. It has her "naptime" stuff in it and will stay at school. How do you like the "Noooo....please don't gooooooo!" look on Baby Gonzo?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tests?! Really!? Do the kids know they are tests or do the teachers fashion them in a way that makes it a non-anxious time?

I am getting scared. We will be there soon.