Thursday, January 17, 2008

No really, THIS is it!

Ok, this time I mean it. 
RayRay contacted me to let me know that Vox required all sorts of strange sign-up and sign-in information in order to post comments on the blog. The whole point in abandoning 360 was to make it easier on everyone! So, here I am back at it. If it is Thursday it must be a new blog.

I am not moving again. I shudder to think of the drop-off rate after making 2 moves. If this does not work for you there is nothing I can do about it. I am even getting the domain name set up. This is the end of the blog hop.

You should be able to leave comments as a blogger member or not - anonymous sign-in is even ok (just remember that you might want to put your name in the comment so I know who you are!). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing! Testing! Hopefully I won't get added to some unsolicited bible thumper blog. xo, Rayray