Saturday, November 13, 2010

[JessFinds] Leiderhosen, Sir Topham Hat and Other Disconnected Stuff

Couple of things:

1. Viel Spaß auf Deutschland Laura und Nick! Ich bin neidisch. Cheers! Zu viel trinken Bier und essen Kugel bis sie explodieren.
Laura, can you get Nick in a pair of these for me? Photo? Huh?
2.  We are going to take a mini-vacay in Amish Country. Got any Dutchy advice? We are going to (giggle) Intercourse, PA (snort) and nearby Strasburg to see Thomas the Train. 

Sir Topham Hat, aka: The Fat Controller
3. Ohmifreakingah these shoes are consuming my brain! Miss Sixty "Kiki" at Rue La La (member site - you can use my link to join the site for free). I want to drop 50lbs and wear them with burgundy tights and a green/burgundy plaid kilt.

4. Packing sucks. I have so much stuff to get rid of that I just want to look at shoes and work on planning out Thanksgiving. This is what we in the professional field refer to as "procrastination." Okay, I am not a professional but you get the idea.

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