PR Friendly

These guidelines are valid from September 2010 and may be changed at any time. accepts various forms of advertising, including sidebar advertisements, text ads, in-post banners, sponsored posts (which will be identified as such) and conference sponsorships. If you have a relevant advertisement you would like to place on our blog, please contact JessFinds.


Sponsored Posts

If you would like to guarantee your product or service will be discussed on, you may sponsor a post.  Sponsored posts will be clearly marked as such, and anything within the post that was not written by Jessica or Marie will be clearly marked as such.


Content reviews and gives away a wide range of products and services.  Most are somehow related to popular topics like family, home, parenting, travel, humor or cooking.

Product Reviews

Unless an agreement has been made before the item has been sent, Jessica and Marie do not send items back to the company. 

Jessica and Marie will not be able to review all products sent unsolicited. Sending a product does not guarantee a review or mention, unless agreed upon beforehand (see sponsored posts).

If Jessica or Marie review a product, the review will be a true review, an honest opinion. 

If there is something wrong or irregular about the product, will contact the company prior to review.

If you would like Jessica or Marie to consider an item for review, please email JessFinds.  


If you would like to give away an item, please email us at JessFinds. Jessica and Marie would prefer the item be worth over $50 to garner appropriate traffic for the giveaway. 

Do not send the giveaway item directly to unless you plan on having Jessica or Marie review and keep the item. will usually contact you with the winners information and your company will be responsible for mailing the item to the winner directly. 


More About Us!

Jessica has two daughters and lives on the East Coast.

  • She posts more frequently 
  • She is a communications (writing, editing, print & online) professional who has worked 1/2 time while caring for her children in the home. One child is now school aged.
  • She is a registered Democrat who has spent time as a Libertarian and Republican.
  • She is a nice person who believes in equality and will not support any form of discrimination or biggotry on this blog.
  • She is not a snuggly, cozy blogger. She speaks snarky and occasionally may toss in colorful language.
  • She is not particularly religious herself, but is a clergy spouse and (depending on the day) identifies as an Episcopalian.  
  • She is a semi-vegetarian who has a penchant for bacon.  
  • She will be a great eccentric someday.
  • She married a big Irish/German boy and has children who don't tan.
  • She collects first edition, signed Nick Bantock books. And Ted Lewy 1950's postcards from Children's Fairyland in Oakland, CA.

Marie has a daughter and a son and lives on the West Coast. 

  • She posts less frequently.
  • She is a media professional who works outside of the home w/ two children in care.
  • She is a nice person who believes in equality and will not support any form of discrimination or biggotry on this blog.
  • She identifies as Roman Catholic but is not overtly religious.
  • She is not a snuggly, cozy blogger. She speaks snarky and occasionally may toss in colorful language.
  • She is practical and has a very strong work ethic with both her job and her family
  • She is an omnivore and adventurous in the kitchen
  • She has married in to a family from Guam and has had a crash course in cultural eggshellery.