Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[JessFinds] BlogKeeping and BonBons


1. Our Klout was at 30 the last time I checked! Yay influential mom-bloggers. You can follow us on Twiiter too...

2. I checked our Word Cloud on Wordle and was delighted to see that the most commonly referenced word on JessFinds is (drumroll) ... shoes. Really? Hilarious.

3. Any problems leaving comments? Let me know.

Regularly Scheduled Programming:

Single Malt Scotch Bars from BonBonBar at Foodzie.com,
Hello my pretty. I have coveted these for a few seasons now. Dah-rool. I love Foodzie and I think that these small batch delights are almost as fun to look at as eat. And that little pincho of sea salt? YUM. Perfect. TDF. I want to buy these for everyone I know this Christmas. Unfortunately, that will not happen (this will be a lean season) but know that I love you and wish Single Malt Scotch Bars under your tree.

Disclaimer: I did not receive any compensation for my review of this product. 

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