I have been hesitating a bit - I wanted to make sure I had my resolutions down right before I posted them for the world.
- Live fearlessly. Each year, my #1 resolution.
- Relish the now. My girls are growing so fast. Too fast.
- Read more books. Watch less TV. Spend less time online.
- Take a class in an old trade (letterpress!) and get certified. Take a CPR class and get certified. Take a class on vegetarian cookery. Take a class on preparing fish.
- Take care of myself & own my health. I spent the majority of the last decade carrying more weight than I should. I owe it to my girls to set a good example for how a healthy, happy woman should live. No excuses. No programs or fad diets - just eat well, move frequently, be accountable and stand tall.
- De-clutter, organize and prioritize what is important. I have a lot of stuff. I don't need a lot of stuff. I want to get rid of everything I would not want to take with me in a move. I will work on getting this house in shape for listing on the market by next Spring. My next home will have a smart bedroom layout, be smaller, have a working fireplace, a finished or semi-finished basement and be more energy efficient. I feel like I live in a huge colonial made of Swiss cheese!
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